POMERLEAU, rosanne

An angel who lets the dove fly to the immensity of the sky. For me, it means a message of hope for life after death. The dove symbolizes the spirit, the messenger of our soul.

Deep inside every human being shines this little light that reminds us that we share a link with all living creatures and with this immense universe from which life comes from.

During our lifetime, we meet some special beings who bring us comfort and support in the difficult moments or injustices of all kinds.

When we die and join the “other world”, we will find guides, helpers and creatures of light that the artists, all along history, have represented with wings. We call them “angels”.

From the beginning of time man has always searched for the meaning of life. Deep inside, he knows that there is more to existence than the everyday choirs like family, work, marriage, financial obligations… All of those occupy almost the totality of our thoughts, decisions and energy. All the experiences of a lifetime pile up and the awakening of our conscience is silently and slowly growing. When a person has reached the final destination with all the knowledge, wisdom and love sharing that has been accumulated, only then, can that person fly to a “better world”.




Bronze: H: 56 in. x L: 33 in. P: 31 in.

An angel who lets the dove fly to the immensity of the sky. For me, it means a message of hope for life after death. The dove symbolizes the spirit, the messenger of our soul.

Deep inside every human being shines this little light that reminds us that we share a link with all living creatures and with this immense universe from which life comes from.

During our lifetime, we meet some special beings who bring us comfort and support in the difficult moments or injustices of all kinds.

When we die and join the “other world”, we will find guides, helpers and creatures of light that the artists, all along history, have represented with wings. We call them “angels”.

From the beginning of time man has always searched for the meaning of life. Deep inside, he knows that there is more to existence than the everyday choirs like family, work, marriage, financial obligations… All of those occupy almost the totality of our thoughts, decisions and energy. All the experiences of a lifetime pile up and the awakening of our conscience is silently and slowly growing. When a person has reached the final destination with all the knowledge, wisdom and love sharing that has been accumulated, only then, can that person fly to a “better world”.